OUR SABBAT RITUAL GATHERINGS USUALLY HELD IN ROOM 3C 440 Lafayette St. NY NY The Seasons of the Witch, the “Wheel of the Year” Our 8 Sabbats Come join us for a Magickally Enchanting Night Candlemas, Imbolc, Imbolg, OIMELC Come celebrate with us as we bring in New growth, end of winter, candle rituals of purification. Dedicated to the GODDESSES of Fire and Inspiration. GODDESS of Fertility, that which was born at SOLSTICE now begins to manifest. This is also the day of initiation, the RITE of passage for WITCHES. This is a time to plant the seeds of short term goals for the newRead More →

OUR SABBAT RITUAL GATHERINGS DUE TO COVID 19 WILL BE HELD LIVE ONLINE The Seasons of the Witch, the “Wheel of the Year” Our 8 Sabbats Come join us for a Magickally Enchanting Night ~YULE SABBAT RITUAL CELEBRATION~  The sun is at its nadir, the year’s longest night, a time for gathering together, after which the world begins to awaken again, as the light and warmth of the reborn sun come ever closer.  We internalize and synthesize the outward-directed activities of the previous summer months. With a Festival of Light to commemorate the Goddess as Mother giving birth to the Sun God, while celebrating theRead More →

A Witches Samhain Celebration LIVE ONLINE VIA ZOOM RITUAL AND DUMB SUPPER SAMHAIN – DEATH AND REBIRTH  [10/31] – Greater SAMHAIN:  October 31 — November Eve PICTURES OR ITEMS: of your loved ones to place on an Ancestral Altar. DUMB SUPPER:  Bring Cakes, cookies, Wines, or whatever choice of foods that your loved ones enjoyed to share in a Dumb Supper with our loved ones. EVERYONE SHOULD BRING A SMALL CARVED PUMPKIN TO HELP LIGHT THE WAY FOR OUR LOVED ONES BEYOND THE VEIL… PLEASE BRING INSTRUMENTS TO CHANT WITH, DRUMS, SHAKERS ETC. .. Samhain is often equated with Halloween, but Halloween is a Christian holidayRead More →

OUR SABBAT RITUAL GATHERINGS THIS IS HELD LIVE ONLINE The Seasons of the Witch, the “Wheel of the Year” Our 8 Sabbats Annual Mabon Sabbat Ritual & Harvest Dinner A Witches ThanksGiving (Sun.) 6-8pm LIVE ONLINE Come celebrate A most magickal ThanksGiving The September Equinox is always a beautiful, natural phenomenon worthy of our recognition and honor. On this particular holiday, we cry and we laugh. Our Mabon – A DAY OF THANKSGIVING! Mabon puts us in touch with the transformational elements of life here on Earth. This is a bittersweet stop on the ever-turning Wheel of the Year. The Autumn Equinox /Mabon ritual carriesRead More →

OUR SABBAT RITUAL GATHERINGS DUE TO COVID 19 ALL CELEBRATIONS UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE IS BEING HELD ONLINE The Seasons of the Witch, the “Wheel of the Year” Our 8 Sabbats 15th Annual Lughnassadh/Lammas Ritual LUGHNASSADH / LAMMAS SABBAT CELEBRATION LIVE ONLINE August 1, 7:00 – 8pm Come celebrate this Lughnassadh with us. “Lammas or Lughnassadh (Loo-NAHS-ah) named for the Irish sun God, Lugh, looked upon as the first of the three Pagan harvest festivals. We celebrate the abundance of the harvest and the nurturing of the giving mother earth. Honor is given to the Goddess, in her guise as the Queen of Abundance, as theRead More →

OUR SABBAT RITUAL GATHERINGS THIS IS HELD IN TOMPKINS SQ. PARK & AVENUE A (Enter the park at East 8th St and walk directly ahead and see us) The Seasons of the Witch, the “Wheel of the Year” Our 8 Sabbats 15th ANNUAL OPEN BELTANE SABBAT CELEBRATION IN THE PARK….. TOMPKINS SQ. PARK Saturday, May 2, 2020 2:00 – 5pm It’s May, It’s May, the Lusty Month of May! Welcome, welcome one and ALL In ye olde tradition we will have a MAYPOLE DANCING, JUMPING THE CAULDRON. A VERY BARDIC BELTANE. As we welcome Beltane/Beltaine one of our festivals as the celebration of two powersRead More →

OUR SABBAT RITUAL GATHERINGS HELD LIVE ONLINE VIA ZOOM DUE TO COVID 19 THIS IS HELD IN TOMPKINS SQ. PARK & AVENUE A (Enter the park at East 8th St and walk directly ahead and see us) The Seasons of the Witch, the “Wheel of the Year” Our 8 Sabbats 16th Annual SUMMER SOLSTICE-A MIDSUMMER NIGHT’S DREAM RITUAL Come gather to celebrate, feast and frolic in the height of the Suns’ power, invoking the divinity that dwells within us. ~ Drumming, Music, Frolicking~ Bacchanal / Bacchus / Bacchanalia is here with us…. COME IN COSTUME Fairies, Sun Deities, Pixies, Satyrs, Woodland creatures, Nymphs, Elves, Sirens,Read More →

OUR SABBAT RITUAL GATHERINGS NOTICE: UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE OR IF WE CAN CONVENE IN TOMPKINS SQ. PARK RITUALS HAVE BEEN MOVED ONLINE. SINCE THE BUILDING HAS BEEN CLOSED AND FOR YOUR SAFETY, DUE TO THE COVID 19 VIRUS. If you are attending ritual, please make sure you have paid and contact us an hour ahead of time, so we can send you a link to the access ritual 5 minutes before 7pm, so we can get started on time. 440 Lafayette St. NY NY – BUILDING HAS BEEN CLOSED DUE TO CORONA VIRUS. THANK YOU EVERYONE & MANY BLESSINGS! ************************************************** The Seasons of the Witch,Read More →